Saturday, August 16, 2008

Real-Life Miniature Photography

You know those weird toy-like soft focus pictures of actual scenes? It's called tilt-shift miniature or tilt-shift photography. Here are some great examples: Flickr: Tilt-shift miniature fakes David Burnett's Olympic blog (check out the badminton photo) I've always wondered how it was done. A little bit of snooping on the web revealed that there are two ways to achieve this effect: 1. Use a tilt-shift lens. 2. Use a photo editor like Adobe Photoshop. Since I don't own such a lens, I tried it out in Photoshop. Click here to see how it's done in Photoshop CS3. Here are my first attempts taken from the sixth floor of my company's lobby: Originals: For more information check out Wikipedia.

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