About a month ago I was feeling a bit blah about my photographs. I didn't feel like I was improving with each shoot. I needed to switch things up a bit. I wanted to shoot more, but think less. I was becoming so focused on all the little dials on my camera that I was losing sight of the big picture (pun intended).
I decided to take more pictures without fretting too much over the details. I created a set called "10 a day" and wrote this in the set description: "On Friday March 13, 2009, I hereby commit to taking and posting at least 10 photos everyday. It's a great way to shake loose the cobwebs."
Though I carried my big DSLR everywhere, it usually stayed locked up in my shoulder bag. I only pulled it out for "important" shots, so I told myself that I needed to take 10 photos a day with any photographic device. It turn out that my iPhone filled the role perfectly. It's small and always near at hand. It's simple and "thoughtless" because there are no dials, just point and shoot. With this newfound freedom, I decided to focus more on my composition. Specifically I wanted to compose my shots in totally new ways, such as focusing on the negative space.

I only have 78 photos so far and it's been nearly a month, so I haven't come close to my goal of taking 10 photos everyday, but this exercise has been fun. It's helped me look at things a bit differently.
You can follow my progress
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