Monday, June 29, 2009

Taking Advantage of Low Light

Sometimes I know ahead of time that I'm going to be shooting in a low light situation. This was the case with my company's bowling party, so I pre-planned some shots. I really wanted to shoot some silhouettes, because the shape of a person bowling is very unique. The idea for the shot above was actually ripped off of a bowling shot I saw on Flickr. Full disclosure: Before leaving for the party, I searched for "bowling" on Flickr to get ideas. :-) In the shot below, I like how the subject and the background look dark and mysterious. It's a little blurry, but I think it's okay in this case. Off-camera flash can be awesome, but sometimes you can create very nice images with available light, no matter how little of it there is. You can see the rest of the photos from my company bowling event here.

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