Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sendy+Bryan's Engagement: Guitar Light Stand?

As the sun started to fall in Half Moon Bay during Sendy and Bryan's engagement session, Brian and I busted out the flash + monopod. By closing down the aperture, I could capture the beautiful sky and ocean without blowing out the photo. But if I did that, then their faces would go dark, so to compensate, Brian pointed the flash at them. He attached the flash to the monopod, because it allowed him to easily light from above or below without needing to use a ladder or grow longer arms! I used a remote system to tell the flash to fire whenever I snapped a picture.

As we walked down to the beach, I mainly kept my eyes on the rocks, so that I could find sure footing. For an instant I glanced up and saw Brian holding the flash + monopod and Bryan's guitar and in that moment, I thought that he had attached the flash to the guitar directly! It looked like a guitar light stand! The notion cracked me up, so I had to snap a picture of it!