Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tethered Shooting

I recently upgraded to Lightroom 3. The noise reduction has greatly improved, but I wasn't too impressed with the overall package, especially since LR3 seemed more sluggish than its predecessor. But then my buddy Brian told me matter-of-factly that LR3 supported tethered shooting. "No freaking way!" I responded, except I didn't say "freaking". So I fired up Lightroom and lo and behold, under the File menu was an option for Tethered Capture!

All this time I thought I had to buy additional expensive software and cables to achieve this, when all I needed was LR3 and the USB cable that came with my camera. If Lightroom doesn't recognize your camera, first make sure that it's compatible with LR3, if it is, then go into your camera's menu and switch it away from USB mass storage mode.

I'm looking forward to trying it out for real, but I better be careful about not pulling my laptop onto the ground as I move my camera around!


swarup said...

yeah! new blog post!!

Myron said...

Haha! I'm bringing it back and I also have a more client-facing blog now too! Check it out at, the site's still a little squirrelly, but I'm steadily patching up the bugs :-)